The operations modules are the modules developed to allow a user-friendly, secure, reliable execution of operations as well as their constant monitoring and reporting.
The CRM module allows to store all information pertaining to external parties (clients, suppliers, service providers, etc.…) and to log all communications as well as past and current orders. It also allows to log all queries or projects the contact has and that need to be answered. The tool then assists the contact person in the internal follow-up and notifies his superior in case of delays.
This module allows the user to have single screen showing all the main parameters and open tasks for this contact and centralizes all orders, projects, items, quotes, communication in one screen.
Sales management and workflow
This module allows to manage the sales function proactively while allowing a constant monitoring of its execution and any external requirements whenever they arise.
The module comprises a fully automated workflow to request new designs, issue quotations, follow them up, place orders and follow them up. At each stage, MADO runs a series of checks as per Organization-set criteria and ranges and accordingly either moves the process to the next phase or sends it to the relevant user(s) with an automatic notification to deal with the issue accordingly.
Procurement management and workflow
This module allows to plan the necessary raw materials, semi-finished goods, services and other externally purchased necessities and then to monitor in real time their consumption, requisition, stock levels, replenishment, purchase orders in progress and their status.
This module also allows to automate purchase requests and RFQs and at each stage, MADO runs a series of checks as per Organization-set criteria and ranges and accordingly either moves the process to the next phase or sends it to the relevant user(s) with an automatic notification to deal with the issue accordingly.
This module also allows to automatically prepare the necessary purchase orders that are specific for an order immediately as well as assessing exposure to suppliers and their performance.
Orders follow-up and monitoring
This module allows the follow-up of all orders the Organization has and it permits their constant monitoring as well as issuing immediate notifications to the relevant user(s) in case of orders at risk of delay, of any adverse event affecting the order or of any delayed order.
This fully integrated module is developed by dedicated partners as well. It allows to plan the required trucks and other shipping means in advance according to the production schedule and to monitor every single delivery.
This module handles both the accounting journal entries as well as the financial management tools. For accounting, it allows to enter all the journal entries, automatically for the most common ones from sales and purchasing. For finance, it allows to manage treasury, banks, loans, tax returns, depreciation of assets, exchange rate exposure as well to issue financial reports for both regulatory and managerial purposes.
This module allows to manage the maintenance function. It devises and follows up on the predictive maintenance schedule of each machine and automatically generate the schedule of technicians and highlight where additional resources are needed. The module also allows to report automatically and in real-time breakdowns and to notify the relevant users to intervene. It also allows to log in the repairs, including resources used as well as any follow-up and its time frame. The module also allows to manage the parts stock, automatically taking into account usage and lead times for each part.

Technical workflow
This module allows the Technical section to automate workflows related to it and to make sure that the Organization is fully deploying its technical capabilities and that all orders are within the feasibility and/or production optimization the section has set. This includes the models that can be processed on each machine, the full machine park parameters, having a real-time view of the load the NPD section has, having a real-time view of any suggested new product the Design section develops in order to adapt it to the Plant’s requirements. It also provides feedback on machine performance and compares it to the expected ones.
This module allows to manage the warehouses for raw materials, accessories, boards and other Work in Progress as well as finished goods. It is automatically and real-time related to the relevant procurement, production, sales and invoicing modules. It also prepares the invoices automatically and does the necessary account journal entries and it allows a real-time check of the exactitude of warehouse movements.
Production planning
This fully integrated module is developed in partnership with dedicated softwares. This extensive program allows to optimize corrugator widths, paper usage, trim as well as converting machines utilization, while achieving a very high rate of On Time Delivery. It also allows the automatic and real-time reporting of machine shifts as well as the automatic issuance of pallet labels for both Work In Progress and finished goods.
Quality management and control
This module allows to centralize all quality management functions and workflows. It includes cases issuance, forwarding and closing, as well as sampling and QC labs and inspection reports. It then allows to fully integrate this data with the sales, production and procurement modules.
This module allows to manage personnel files, to process payroll and the related taxes, to follow-up on team members’ education and capabilities, trainings and assessment.
It also allows to identify any skill set needed across the Organization that needs to be fulfilled as well as to assist in generating the training needs and plans for each section.
Machines Management
This module allows to insert all features of each machine (type, sizes it can handle, number of colours, models it can process, speeds, setup times, etc…) as well as its maintenance schedule. The features function assist the Technical section in selecting the most appropriate machine routing for each item and simultaneously allows to automate certain workflow for basic models without the need for technical intervention. This function also allows to compare performance and costs of machines of the same family and by type of product.
The maintenance requirements schedule feeds automatically the maintenance module to devise the preventive maintenance schedule and budget for each machine and the plant overall.
Moreover, this module allows to visualize all main indicators of each single machine in one screen and the details of each one are one click away.
Projects management
This module allows the Organization to follow up all projects in a linear way, by dividing the tasks across departments and assigning them to each user, both in a sequential and parallel manner with start and due dates as well as completion status with automatic alerts in case of delay and direct communication between users as well as a centralized project information board.
All the above modules allow MADO to monitor all operational functions in real-time. This allows MADO to then perform the following:
- To monitor each task and to compare it with the Organization set parameters. Should a discrepancy be found in any, MADO will automatically highlight the issue to the concerned users (s) as per the Organization set criteria and parameters. Depending on the kind of issue MADO may stop the workflow until the Organization designated user(s) decides the action to be taken concerning the discrepancy or keep escalating it if it is an issue of immediate concern that is not being addressed (such as a major machine stoppage not being treated) while notifying the affected in real-time (orders planning and sales for example in case of major delay to certain type of orders).
- To prepare customized dashboards for each type of user, allowing each one to see in real-time his open tasks while having a clear view of where he stands with respect to his Organization set operational targets.
- To update third party (clients, suppliers, etc…) info, tasks, orders and status in real-time and allow all authorized users to visualize it immediately.
- To issue a series of reports at set times, allowing each user to have the analytics he needs at each moment in order to optimally perform his role and adjust where need to achieve budgets. Analytical reports not only offer a comprehensive picture of the situation, they also highlight discrepant parameters and indicate the origins and magnitude of each discrepancy.
Strategic and advanced analytical reports and simulations, AI-generated scenarios, AI-generated causality links
The operational modules and their reports discussed earlier also feed their data and info into a central database. This allows MADO to map the whole data and to be able to simulate any difference from what happened and to follow its total impact and repercussions on the organization. This spans from external factors such as an increase in the price of a specific input, a disruption in the supply chain or volatility in demand from a certain sector to internal factors such as shutting down a machine or acquiring a new one or adding or reducing shifts. The possibilities are infinite.
The specific strategy modules besides those discussed above are:
This module allows the users to suggest the forecasted budget for their sections for the following period. Top Management can then modify them as it sees fit and issue the final budget which is one of the main targets against which the operation reports indicators are measured.
The Budgeting modules assist user by having the historical data available, by following the seasonality of each item (for example a crop that matures earlier or later according to the years, etc.…) and to automatically adjust the forecast. It also allows to set specific variation in the targets of specific clients and sectors and adjusts the forecast automatically. On the internal side, it allows to set internal projects and events such as major machine interventions or holidays and to automatically calculate their best time with respect to market demand and their impact on the Organization from both an operational and a financial perspective.
Strategic scenarios and simulations
Thanks to the database discussed earlier and the AI-powered capabilities of MADO, analytical scenarios and strategic simulations can be generated reliably, accurately and fast. MADO allows the authorized users, each at his level of responsibilities, to input the requested hypothesis, MADO will recalculate all the operational reports and parameters and provide the authorized with both the summary outcome as well as the detailed data that was calculated to lead to it.
MADO also keeps generating scenarios in the background through its AI-powered simulation tools. These scenarios can be accessed at all times by authorized users who will see the hypothesises used and the summary outcome and the detailed data it generates. MADO will also use these scenarios to provide certain reports to Top Management that are considered practical such as investments with a short payback time, allocating resources differently across machines or plants and many other.

External factors monitoring
This module allows MADO, through its proprietary AI capabilities and its central database to keep monitoring all operational reports and workflows and to determine any change from the usual/forecasted environments, to calculate its impact and repercussions and to notify then the concerned within the organisation in a timely manner for them to take the proper action(s) and keep monitoring the situation.
Examples of this important feature are if the price of a certain type of paper suddenly increase heavily or keep increasing in the suppliers quotations in the Purchasing module, MADO will calculate the financial impact based on historical data and budgets, suggests the alternatives based on the Purchasing equivalents and determine the clients affected, the magnitude of the effect and on which items.
Another example can be if the lead time for certain grades in the quotations received in the purchasing module becomes longer than the expected for the grade, MADO calculates its effect on the organization, suggests a different purchasing schedule with its financial repercussions to keep fulfilling the budget orders, suggests alternatives based on the purchasing equivalents and identifies the clients affected, the magnitude of the effect and on which items as well as the operational and financial repercussions of each scenario.

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